Sport Management Career Spotlight: What is sport for development?

According to one study, a whopping 94 percent of young people want to use their skills to benefit a cause. It’s no surprise then that social entrepreneurship and organizations driven with a social purpose are on the rise. So what do young people interested in a sports-related career do to make their own positive impact […]
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Biology majors celebrate Earth Day across Missouri

Data released by NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) shows that 2016 was the warmest year on record since 1880, the beginning of modern recordkeeping. Additionally, since the year 2001, we have experienced 16 of the 17 warmest years on record. It is estimated that the earth has warmed 1.2 to 1.4 […]
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Celebrating National Pet Day: What benefits do animals bring to our lives?

April 11th is national pet day — a day to celebrate the furry, scaled, feathery or finned members of our family and what they mean to us. In that spirit of celebration, we thought we’d take pause to reflect on and appreciate the many ways in which pets add to our lives. Dogs, and sometimes […]
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Renewing our spirit of exploration as students in the field of biology

“…some of us are much more interested in the unknown. We want to discover completely new continents, and gaze at magnificent vistas of ignorance. We crave the experience of being completely baffled by something we’ve never seen before.” It is this hunger for knowledge, for exploring the unknown — this native curiosity to search further […]
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Celebrating World Wildlife Day and the important contribution of veterinary medicine

March 3 — World Wildlife Day — is an exciting day for pre-vet majors and animal-lovers in general to celebrate all that is being done for the health and protection of living creatures on this earth. The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) articulates that, as the only doctors educated in protecting the health of both […]
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Why are athletic world records always set? Are we getting better? Or is technology?

Many sport management professionals work with some of the greatest athletes in the world — people who are stronger and better at their sport than any other athlete before them. Others work to develop technologies and research that helps get athletics to a new level of endurance, strength, power or speed. During the Olympics in 2012 […]
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Sport Management Career Spotlight: Working with Aging Populations

William Woods graduates with a bachelor’s in sports management often work in areas that benefit the young — whether in youth sports organizations, schools, or professional sports. But as Baby Boomers age, sports management professionals must question how sports and general fitness impacts older adults as well. In fact, this aging population is reportedly one of […]
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Veterinary specialty spotlight: shelter medicine

In the 1990’s the first courses in shelter animal health were being introduced to a few veterinary colleges across the country. Now, shelter medicine is part of the core curriculum in nearly every veterinary college in North America. Furthermore, The Journal of The American Veterinary Medical Association (JAVMA) reports that what started as a grassroots […]
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Bachelors of sports management students learn the value of accessibility in sport

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 22 percent of adults in the U.S. have some type of disability. And the state of Missouri is among the highest, with 24 percent of its adults having some type of disability. The CDC also reports that adults with disabilities are 36.3 percent more likely […]
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New study aims to shed light on the biology of health through mapping human cells

There is still so much about the human body we do not know, and biologists, scientists, and healthcare professionals worldwide continue to seek answers and develop the tools and knowledge to fight for our health and wellbeing. In October a team of world-leading scientists embarked on a journey called The Human Cell Atlas, with the […]
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