
Incorporating physical activity into mental health treatment plans for adolescent anxiety and depression

William Woods Undergraduate

Researchers who surveyed almost 300 patients at a mental health clinic found that about 85 percent of them felt that physical activity improved their mood or their anxiety level, according to a study in the journal General Hospital Psychology. Mental illness is traditionally treated with methods such as psychotherapy and medication. However, integrating physical activity into […]


June 26th, 2019

Posted in Exercise Science

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Exercise Science Career Spotlight – Pediatric Nutritionist

William Woods Undergraduate

The American Academy of Pediatrics reports that 26 percent of 2 to 5-year-olds in the U.S. are overweight and more than 15 percent are obese. Ashley Skinner, leader of this research, finds that curbing childhood obesity relies upon persistent and consistent strategy of healthy choices. Impacting the high rates means providing education and guidance not […]


June 21st, 2019

Posted in Exercise Science

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Are health and fitness programs the key to increasing quality of life for injured veterans?

William Woods Undergraduate

According to the Los Angeles County Veterans Study, 44 percent veterans who served in the 10 years following the 9/11 terrorist attack report difficulty readjusting to civilian life. For this reason, efforts to ease this transition have become an increasingly important concern. The exercise science and fitness field has uniquely responded to the struggles of […]


February 15th, 2019

Posted in Exercise Science

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How Wearable tech is changing the field of Exercise Science

William Woods Undergraduate

As a candidate for a bachelor’s degree in exercise science, you might ask: how do I keep pace with clients and patients who already track so much of their personal health data? As wearable tech makes everyone smarter, exercise science students and professionals will become more timely and targeted with their instruction and interventions. Business […]


October 12th, 2018

Posted in Exercise Science

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Bringing Exercise Science Insights to a Boomer Population

William Woods Undergraduate

According to the US Census Bureau, more than 20% of the US population will be 65 years old or older by 2030. This large baby boomer population cohort, comprised of people born between 1946 and 1964, will be between 66 and 84 in 2030. As more of this group enters retirement age (baby boomers today […]


September 26th, 2018

Posted in Exercise Science

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