
A project of peace: Students learn the unifying power of art

William Woods Undergraduate

Imagine yourself walking through the streets of a small district of Cairo, Egypt, perhaps on a study abroad trip with Woods Around the World. As you weave through the narrow streets, dodging trucks overflowing with trash, you are overcome by the pungent smell of rotting garbage. You make your way past the piles of trash, […]


September 8th, 2016

Posted in Fine Arts

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Fine Arts students discover the connection between art and social justice

William Woods Undergraduate

Art is a powerful weapon that shatters preconceived notions and overturns staunch perceptions, waking us up to a new view of the world around us. The first time in U.S. history that a widespread movement of artists began addressing politics and using their art to influence society was during The Great Depression. Throughout their work […]


March 24th, 2016

Posted in Fine Arts

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A call for artists in upcoming Equality Matters art exhibit

William Woods Undergraduate

“When artists give form to revelation, their art can advance, deepen and potentially transform the consciousness of their community.” – Alex Grey, American artist 1953 – present. For decades art has been used as a form of expression, to make a statement and, oftentimes, to take a stand William Woods University’s Cox Gallery is issuing […]


February 4th, 2016

Posted in Fine Arts

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