
Pre-Vet Program: Staying Current with Technology and What’s to Come in the Profession

William Woods Undergraduate

Just as the convergence of computing, data and diagnostic tools is changing the human doctor/patient relationship, the same is true of veterinary doctors and the animals that they treat. Emerging fields such as artificial intelligence, machine learning and data science — and related engineering disciplines — have begun to reshape all forms of medicine and […]


March 27th, 2019

Posted in Biology

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Veterinary specialty spotlight: Zoo Veterinarian

William Woods Undergraduate

In our last blog we followed a day in the life of an aquatic veterinarian. And in continued celebration of National Aquarium and Zoo Month, we will take a deeper look into another veterinarian specialty: zoo and exotic animal medicine. Similar to aquatic veterinarian, the role of a zoo vet takes a team. Working in […]


June 23rd, 2017

Posted in Pre-Vet

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Veterinary specialty spotlight: Aquatic Veterinarian

William Woods Undergraduate

June is National Zoo and Aquarium Month, and in celebration, we thought we’d take a look into what it takes to be an aquatic veterinarian. In an interview on Slate’s Working podcast, Leigh Clayton, director of animal health and welfare at Baltimore’s National Aquarium shares about her experience working in aquatic veterinary medicine and some […]


June 21st, 2017

Posted in Pre-Vet

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Pre-Vet Student Spotlight: Alicia VanMatre

William Woods Undergraduate

William Woods pre-vet biology major Alicia VanMatre has always known she wanted to be a vet. “Since a very young age I’ve loved animals, and I’ve loved learning and knowledge,” VaMatre explained. “As my education progressed I loved science and I loved helping people — helping their animals and helping people through their animals.” While […]


May 10th, 2017

Posted in Pre-Vet

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